Wednesday, 22 October 2008

The New Journey will begin soon


It has been almost a year since I've been a full housewife. I like each and everybit of it. I enjoy every second of it. I am so grateful for the time that Allah granted for to be with my family FULL TIME. When I said full time, it is really full time. It is the most happiest moment in my life. Being far away from our truly "support system" (Perantau lah katakan..... mak ayah jauh tu..) it really teaches us a lot. We have learned a lot of true meaning as a person, a parents, children and the whole family itself. There are lots of give and take. Lots of sharing. Lots of joy and happy moments. Until we cannot remember the 'grey' moments. All bright and shiny. I really want to thank my husband for his understanding and support through this journey as a housewife. He never fail to be my great cheerleader, whenever I need one. I really hope that I have been the same to him. As time goes by, I really fall in love with being a housewife.

However, it is almost time to say welcome student life. Hmmmmmm think I need my most handsome cheerleader again hehehehehe. I would not say that I am going to say goodbye to my housewife title. As now, I believe that a woman would never leave this title whenever they get married. Eventhough they are career women, they still hold the housewife title. So I am gonna be a proud student and housewife soon.

3rd November 2008 will the new mark in my life. InsyaAllah I will enroll as a postgraduate student with Electrical Engineering School, University of Leeds. I hope all of you will pray for my success. I hope you all will pray for Mel's success too. May Allah guide me through this new journey each and every step of it. Hubby, Mel will be going through a critical phase of a PhD, which 'PhD Transfer'. He has to prove in a first year VIVA that his project is novel and feasable. He has been working so hard and I pray that Allah will granted him with success. I know you can do it Darling, Allah always love to hear us begging for help and we will do so. May Allah give us hidayah all the time.

I am nervous yet the same time I can't wait to experience this new journey............................................

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

May you be blessed forever

Assalamualaikum and good day to all

It has been a while since I blog last time. This time, it is the turn to do some wedding wish for my brother in law. Haznor and Farah. They will get married this November. All the best wishes for both of them. We are really sorry that we could not make it to the wedding. Really sorry about that. How we wish we could be there with all the family to welcome Farah into our happy family. How we wish we could be there to celebrate the happy moment for the couple. We were really waiting for this moment to come and yet we could not be there together celebrating.
This video is just a small portion of feeling that we can expressed. There are lots more that we want to say and share. However, words can never expressed the feelings of regret, the feelings of happiness, the feelings of thankfulness, all jumble up.

But one thing for sure. We will be praying for all the goodness in life could bring for both of our couple. May Allah shower them with blessing and never ending love story. Life should be celebrated one day at a time. Yesterday was a past that should be made as a history to learn from, today is the most of time that should be celebrated as if tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow is something that is not in our power to determine about. Plan your tomorrow as if we will live for thousand of years. And live today as if tomorrow will never come.
To Nor, We pray that you will be a good leader in your young family. May your family grow to be an example of good muslim family. To Farah, we pray that you will be a good helper to your family leader. May you be a good muslimah and wife to Nor.

Salam to all with lots of love from all of us here in Leeds, United Kingdom,

Hizamel Mohd Hizan, Aziati Husna Awang, Humaira Ardini Hizamel, Hasya Amalin Hizamel and Hafiy Addin Hizamel.


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