Tuesday, 22 June 2010

YOU ARE 6 TODAY !!- Sanah Helwah ya bunayyati Hasya Amalin Hizamel

Dearest my daughter,

We were three that time,
We long for another one,
Another blossom in our garden,
To bring the freshness from heaven,

A visit to a doctor,
confirmed you were there,
In ummi's tummy, our heir,

Such a glorious day we felt,
to receive a news that was so great,
Kakak Humaira was so happy,
She knew, she'll have a friend, my honey.

You were so nice in ummi's tummy,
Morning sickness was not in my vocabulary,
You grow so big in ummi's tummy,
You weigh 3.52 kg during delivery.

Being a second of three is so tough, my pumpkin,
But I know my princess is even tougher, aren't you my darlin',
Very determined young lady you turned out to be,
I am very proud of you my honey bee.

You are a daughter that every mum could ever wish for,
I am so blessed, for sure,
I treasure every effort you take,
Our happiness and blessing is all you seek.

You show your love in everyway you can,
Ummi and abah is so blessed to hold you in our hand,

My darling Hasya Amalin Hizamel,
You have all my prayers in this special day,
Rest assure, as I still breating Allah's air,
I'll have you everytime in my prayer,

Grow wise and gracefully my young lady,
A Mujahidah is what you'll be,
Meeting Allah is our utmost goal,
In jannah, hope we will gather as a whole,



Latifah said...

salam... puan, comelnya dia masa kecil... iras muka puan sangat2...

Selamat hari Lahir buat Hasya... =)

Hizamel said...

Happy Birthday Hasya !! Abah doakan Hasya jadi anak yang solehah dan beriman.

Ummi, entry yg best. Entry ini ingatkan abang betapa Hasya anak yang gigih dan tekun dalam melakukan sesuata perkara. Moga sifat ini berkekalan bila Hasya besar nanti.



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